Monday, April 21, 2014 ghd ghd nz sme855

Special Achievement Awards are generally very good, quick to talk about what ghd is ? Dragon hostile +10, do not know what stuff. Sand blankly said. Dragon hostile value ? This award...... filtration night talking and shook his head. Sand a little disappointed and asked to see the night of the filter expression, mostly not a good reward. Filtration night shook his head again, but this time it represents the opposite meaning : It is not that bad, on the contrary, sometimes it was good, but not for now ghd, in general this property is a double-edged sword, no ability to kill dragons in ghd before, it can only bring ghd disaster, but has the ability to kill dragons, etc. ghd after it can bring ghd lucky.

Then, filter the night cleared his throat, organized some language in detail, explains: Hostile value is a very special property, it will also increase a degree of racial hatred and ghd nz ghd resistance to this race, increase the value of each point of hostile racial hatred degree of ghd ghd 1% and 1% of this race hurt resistance limit value of a person hostile to any kind of creature is 30 points. That is the value of this hostile achievement award 10 points, an increase of 10% of the Dragon on the ghd ghd hatred and Dragon 10% of the damage resistance and other properties if ghd the same person simultaneously attack the Dragon, because the ghd 10 Dragon hostile relations point value, so the Dragon ghd hatred of another person would be higher than 10%, Dragon will give priority to attack ghd even ghd not even attack the Dragon, Dragon will attack ghd while ghd also increase resistance to the Dragon 10%, 10% reduction in disguise damage, so that the value is a double-edged sword hostile, quite a wish make a wish to suffer the mean.

Sand nodded, a teachable look. So, ghd no ability to kill the Dragon before, although it saw Dragon Run ! Do not try to close. Filtration night just finished, but suddenly turned around to see a place to the lake, Huh ? Filtration night light Hey, his face is exposed exciting colors, sand know, there must be a good thing happened. Sure enough, a short while, a glimmer of light rising from the bottom of the lake slowly, gradually, more and more intense light, and soon the light float to the surface, then, just look at the sand, the original crystal light are five general small stone comes out, a wave filter nights, get out of the five small stones on the lake, towards the sand fly.


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